Saturday, February 28, 2015


This is from Angela's talk show in April, with Al Barcroft. I'm posting it because he shows what the difference is between private and public law and how to use claim of CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD, to get rid of the SSN. But he's wrong that common law was eliminated. It was only SUPPRESSED. If it was eliminated, that'd mean that public law was eliminated and we only have private law. And that's not true, it's just that corporate US citizens are subject to private law, and if you want to access public law, you've got to have a valid reason to rebut the presumption that you're a US citizen subject or a user of their gov't benefits, including the FRNs. Here's the first part and the Wikipedia US Code page that shows what is positive law and what is private law.
Private vs Public law, and beginning of Social Security (18min.):

 Constructive Fraud and SSN (18min.):

Or as Karl Lentz does, use a DIFFERENT VENUE to access the court system. But about that later. So Al has a NARROW understanding of the law, as he showed when Karl Lentz called, and Al refused to talk to him and called him a jerk.

The second thing to note from this is how decades ago Al went to pay the IRS with a $100 Grand cashiers check, and they refused it and kicked him out, because it was AFTER he got rid of his SSN. That shows you that the SSN is what makes you a taxpayer, so obviously then, without it, you don't owe any income tax, as Al says.

In other words, the SSN is a MEMBERSHIP # for corporate Democracy. If you got it, you're eligible for various gov't benefits, including welfare, unemployment and licenses, but also liable to pay taxes, since someone has to pay for those benefits. And of course FRNs are another benefit of the corporate State which has to be paid for, which is why they make it so hard for people to opt out of Social Security, because they hold you tax liable for the ND, and having an SSN is the best way to make you pay your share for using FRN debt notes.

Remember, what came first, was replacement of honest gold money with FRN debt notes in 1933, so OBVIOUSLY the Social Security that came in 1935 was a way to get everyone ENUMERATED with a TAX NUMBER so they could tax your use of FRNs, which they call INCOME. So issuing Social Security numbers to everyone, which now is done by DEFAULT at birth, is a way of collecting interest on the money Congress borrows from Federal Reserve, which is the NATIONAL DEBT (ND).

And of course the bigger the ND is, the more money they have to collect in taxes to service it, and pay the interest on it, and they do it by passing MORE LAWS in order to generate more revenue. Like I said before, the larger the national debt, the FEWER freedoms we have.

So FRNs issued into circulation is the CAUSE of tax liability, and the SSNs are the MEANS of collecting tax revenue in order to pay for the national debt (FRNs).

In other words, your USE of FRNs to make purchases, CREATES tax liability, while the SSN officially makes you a taxpayer and provides the gov't with an easy mechanism for collecting that tax. Which is why a DEMAND for lawful money is a MAJOR step out of the corporate Matrix, since voluntary use of FRNs is the CAUSE of corporate Democracy.

And while Al compares Costco membership with the SSN as being a membership card in the federal Democracy, demanding lawful money then would be like having Costco membership, but NOT BUYING anything. And if you don't buy anything at Costco, their rules DON'T APPLY to you, since you didn't get anything from them.
IRS refusal of payment (5min.):


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