Sunday, June 9, 2013


No Joke...very serious! Wear proper protective shoes & Clothing when handling these new light bulbs. Use extreme caution with children around. Also the mercury gas can be inhaled. (They figured out another way to kill us!)
Be sure your kids know about this and read all the way to the bottom of the page. New and improved. Yeah, right. Safety Message: Mercury... The pics are very graphic but you need to read...

BE SAFE.... Not being so, can be dangerous to your health...

Monday, May 27, 2013

How to win in court...

Dean Clifford, Menard, Bonacci and others are discovering how to win in court. Type their names into youtube.

I was saddled with two ten-year-long lawsuits. The lawyers and Judges drag these things out because they are making money off you. I wound up spending over $250,000 in legal fees for nothing. You only have forty years of useful productive life from age 25 to 65. After that, for the most part you are too old and disabled to start over building a retirement. Before age 25 you usually don’t know what to do with the rest of your life and you lack education. Two of these ten-year-long lawsuits will take half of your useful productive life away and there is nothing more wasteful. It wasn’t until I fired my lawyers that I started winning. Now that I understand how these very destructive type of lawsuits work they will never bother me again. The only problem now is that I am 69 years old and have wasted most of my life fighting bogus lawsuits before I got wise. Here is what you must do:    

When you go into court and you are asked to state your name, say:
I am the Executor and Beneficiary of the last will and testament of God.
What is your standing here?
Are you the Trustee?
What is your claim?
Who are you?         
What is your name?
I am administrating here. (You have to establish what roles the various people are playing in the courtroom. Once you have that established you are free to go.)

All courts use corporate law. There has to be three officers to make a corporation.
Corporate Law is the highest law in the land. It is god’s Law. It is the Holy Trinity. The Bible is God’s Last Will and Testament. Picture a triangle with God at the top and Jesus at lower left. Then you have the Holy Ghost at lower right. In a courtroom situation the Judge is the Executor/executioner at the top. The Holy Ghost is the corporate government at the right. The Holy Ghost government and the God/Executor/executioner is all the same thing while you are the beneficiary. Everyone in the courtroom is there for one thing: to take something from you rather it be your trust/money/life savings/insurance, house, land etc. or in some cases even your, life. Not much has changed since the days of the Inquisition...

All contract/corporate law operates by presumption. Practically every court in the land uses this highest form of law. They automatically turn your name into a corporate fiction with all capital letters so that the corporate/contract law will apply to your corporate fiction.

Under contract law you never want to be the trustee and you never want the Judge to be the Executor. Under contract law a person (you are a person or dead animal defined in Blacks Law) cannot hold the office of Beneficiary and Trustee or Executor and that’s exactly what is going on in the courtroom. In a courtroom the government holds two offices, the Executor/Judge and the Trustee who wants what you have. They want to throw you in jail, take away your trust and birth bond which is worth millions.

The Judge is not the Executor but he wants you to presume that he is. In reality, he is working for the government who is the trustee. His paycheck comes from the government but he gets a big bonus if he puts someone in jail. In most cases he also has his retirement pension invested in prison stocks therefore everyone he puts in prison benefits the prison company stockholders and fellow Judges...

The government holds everything in trust for the people. So when you walk into a courtroom you automatically have two corporate entities trying to get something from you rather it be for you to confess to a crime you did not do or to take something from you like your house, land, inheritance, IRA, life insurance etc., etc. You are the one that owns something that the lawyers want to get.

You can nullify all that right off if you establish what rolls the people are playing in the courtroom.

When you hire a lawyer to re-present you he has previously sworn an oath to the Barr Association that supersedes any kind of commitment that he has to re-present you. Therefor you have hired someone who is automatically on the side of the government. For the most part any money you give him for a retainer to re-present you is a big waste of money unless you know the attorney is really working for you and has a good chance of winning. About 3 percent of defendants actually win a case. Your odds of actually winning a case with a lawyer are quite small.

You then have a very small chance to contest this by asking the question: “Can I be bound to a contract when my lawyer has a superseding oath?” You can say: “He didn’t provide full disclosure and my lawyer allowed the trial to go forward with the “Presumption” that the Judge is both the Administrator and Executor (executioner).

Before you have been suckered into one of these contract courtrooms you definitely must establish a CLAIM OF RIGHT. Simply ask in writing: “Please provide proof of claim for something that you are alleging that I cannot do.” State: “My rights have a fee attached. My offers are non-negotiable. Violating any of my God given rights is a fee of ten-million dollars. You got 21 days to respond.

“Send me some facts or evidence of something I cannot do!”    

Say: “I plead guilty to the facts.”

All bureaucrats are non-productive entities. All they produce is paperwork. They need us because we are the only ones producing things. All others are parasites.

If we are all equal under God, when did they get the power to command us?  Government is stealing our livelihood by printing more money and dreaming up bureaucratic hoops for us to jump through so they can sell us a license to line their pockets with more money before we are allowed to work for a living. The constant inflation and enactment of millions of statutes and regulations is taking our children’s future. We can’t get married, drive a car, dig a ditch; or a hundred other things without first paying off some bureaucrat for a permit or license. The license fees are supposed to pay for insurance and other bogus reclamation plans. It was the loggers, fishermen, miners and factory workers that built this nation. Maybe it’s time to separate the wheat from the chaff. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Look who's new in the white house!
Arif Alikhan - Assistant Secretary for Policy Development
for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Mohammed Elibiary - Homeland Security Adviser
Rashad Hussain - Special Envoy to the (OIC)
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Salam al-Marayati - Obama Adviser –
founder Muslim Public Affairs Council
and its current executive director
Imam Mohamed Magid - Obama's Sharia Czar –
Islamic Society of North America
Eboo Patel - Advisory Council on Faith-Based
Neighborhood Partnerships
This is flat out scary!!!!
The foxes are now living in the hen house...
Now ask me why I am concerned!!!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Internet sales tax..Obama...

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Elvin,

For weeks now, statists like Harry Reid - along with crony capitalists trying to use government power to crush their competition - have been leading the charge for taxing online purchases.

And now, Barack Obama has joined the chorus of tax-and-spenders supporting the National Internet Tax Mandate.

This dangerous bill is currently on the Senate floor, where final passage could be voted on by the end of this week.

Please take a moment and read John Tate's email below about Campaign for Liberty's Battle Plan to Defeat the Internet Sales Tax.

Don't let Congress get away with taking a MASSIVE bite out of American prosperity.

Read John's email below and take action IMMEDIATELY!

In Liberty,

Ron Paul

P.S. If you've already taken action, thank you.

But if you could go one step further and chip in $10 or $20 to help fund Campaign for Liberty's Battle Plan to Defeat the Internet Sales Tax, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Ron,

Harry Reid is so desperate to RAM through a federally mandated Internet sales tax that he completely skipped the committee process to bring the bill to the floor.

And the vote on final passage could take place by the end of this week.

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National Internet Tax" petition to your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY.

I'll give you the link in a moment, but first let me tell you about Campaign for Liberty's "Battle Plan to Defeat the Internet Tax Mandate."

As you know, the National Internet Tax Mandate would hand the federal government massive new controls over state tax policies and set the stage for government at all levels to take another helping of your money via the Internet.

And every American will feel the pinch - even those who don't use the Internet or only log on to check email once in a blue moon.

Under the Internet Tax Mandate:

*** All Americans would see their taxes go up, as big-spending governors of BOTH parties work with the federal government's IRS goons to implement a state sales tax on ALL goods purchased online.

Big-spending governors are running their states into bankruptcy, and - instead of reducing spending - they want the IRS to force YOU to bail them out with new Internet taxes!

*** Essentially provides big-spending governors new bailout money through the federal government imposing more taxes on their citizens.

We're already seeing this in Virginia, where Governor "Tax Hike Bob" McDonnell is counting on Internet taxes to help fund his transportation boondoggle!

*** The door would be opened for governments to access and keep records of our Internet purchases.

Imagine Barack Obama's hand-picked bureaucrats with a record of every online purchase you make - t-shirts, bumper stickers, books - EVERYTHING you buy.

*** New and higher taxes would CRUSH economic growth and set the stage for massive new regulations that threaten the very existence of the Internet.

Make no mistake. This is all bad enough on its face.

But it's hardly the end of it.

You and I both know, under the guise of "national security," Washington, D.C. bureaucrats are already feverishly looking for new ways to trace, track, and register all Americans' online activity.

What you read. What you buy. What videos you watch. What you write about THEM.

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National Internet Tax" petition IMMEDIATELY.

NO Internet Tax Mandate

Ron, you and I have a shot at stopping this massive tax hike, but this fight will not be easy - or cheap.

But unless you and I pull out all the stops - the tax-and-spenders WILL get their way.

That's why, in addition to your signed petition, I hope you'll agree to make a generous contribution to help with this critical fight.

Your generous contribution will help pay for Campaign for Liberty's "Battle Plan to Defeat the Internet Tax Mandate" - a massive mail, phone, and Internet program designed to mobilize a grassroots army of patriots to defeat this massive tax hike.

Campaign for Liberty has sounded the alarm via hard-hitting mail and email to alert the American people to facts about the National Internet Tax Mandate.

As a result, we have generated over 250,000 petitions opposing this dangerous scheme.

On Monday, C4L will flood the office of EVERY Senator with faxes from their constituents demanding they vote against the National Internet Tax Mandate.

But I'm afraid that won't be enough.

You see, a few weeks ago, the statists held a "test vote" in the Senate on the National Internet Tax Mandate.

Unfortunately, the "test vote" passed with overwhelming "bipartisan" support.

The good news is, although just a "feel good" measure, this "test vote" gave us a target list of 37 Senators to turn up the heat on to vote against any attempt to tax online purchases.

This includes Republicans such as Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Tom Coburn (R-OK), Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Bob Corker (R-TN), Mark Enzi (R-WY), and Jeff Sessions (R-AL), to name a few.

And it also includes Democrats such as Kay Hagan (D-NC), Mark Pryor (D-NC), and Mark Begich (D-AK), who are up for re-election in 2014.

Campaign for Liberty has prepared hard-hitting emails, direct mail, and Google and Facebook Internet ads calling on targeted Senators to oppose the National Internet Tax Mandate.

But Campaign for Liberty needs an immediate and massive influx of dollars to put this plan into action.

If you and I can raise the resources to put the full battle plan into action, we can send a strong message to the tax-and-spenders that the American people will not stand for passage of the National Internet Tax Mandate.

That's why it's vital you act TODAY!

Ron, you and I are staring head-on at a massive tax hike and invasion of privacy rights - all brought to us by high-priced D.C. lobbyists, big corporations, and establishment insiders and their puppets in Washington.

Harry Reid believes he has the votes to ram through the Internet Tax Mandate.

But just like with Barack Obama's anti-gun agenda, I'm counting on you to help me prove him wrong once again.

So, please sign your "No Internet Tax Mandate" petition to your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY.

NO Internet Tax Mandate

And if you can, please make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - to Campaign for Liberty to help in this crucial fight.

If you can afford more, by all means, please contribute what you can - and as much as you can - to this battle.

Every dollar - every red cent - you and I can put into defeating the National Internet Tax Mandate will be critical to winning this fight.

So, please, make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford- TODAY!

Your signed petition and your generous contribution could help make the difference between winning and losing this battle.

And this is not a fight you and I can afford to lose.

I'm convinced that by mobilizing Americans against the National Internet Tax Mandate, you and I can stop this massive tax hike dead in its tracks.

But we don't have much time. Harry Reid is forcing a vote THIS WEEK.

Please sign your petition and make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - to help with this effort.

It's vital you act TODAY!

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Harry Reid is so desperate to ram through the National Internet Tax Mandate that he completely skipped the committee process to bring the bill to the floor.

And the vote is going down this week.

That's why it's vital you sign your "No National Internet Tax" petition IMMEDIATELY.

After you sign your petition, please make a generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 - or whatever you can afford - to Campaign for Liberty to help in this crucial fight.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1956 to 2011

HIGH SCHOOL -- 1956 vs. 2011

Scenario 1:

Jack goes quail hunting before school and then pulls into the school parking lot
with his shotgun in his truck's gun rack.

1956 - Vice Principal comes over, looks at Jack's shotgun, goes to his car and gets
his shotgun to show Jack.

2011 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never
sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and

Scenario 2:

Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.

1956 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins.. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up buddies.

2011 - Police called and SWAT team arrives -- they arrest both Johnny and Mark.
They are both charged with assault and both expelled even though Johnny started it.

Scenario 3:

Jeffrey will not sit still in class, he disrupts other students.

1956 - Jeffrey sent to the Principal's office and given a good paddling by the
Principal. He then returns to class, sits still and does not disrupt class again.

2011 - Jeffrey is given huge doses of Ritalin. He becomes a zombie. He is then
tested for ADD. The school gets extra money from the state because Jeffrey has a

Scenario 4:

Billy breaks a window in his neighbor's car and his Dad gives him a whipping with
his belt..

1956 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college and
becomes a successful businessman.

2011 - Billy's dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy is removed to foster care and
joins a gang. The state psychologist is told by Billy's sister that she remembers
being abused herself and their dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has an affair with
the psychologist.

Scenario 5:

Mark gets a headache and takes some aspirin to school.

1956 - Mark shares his aspirin with the Principal out on the smoking dock.

2011 - The police are called and Mark is expelled
from school for drug violations. His car is then searched for drugs and weapons.

Scenario 6:

Pedro fails high school English.

1956 - Pedro goes to summer school, passes English and goes to college..

2011 - Pedro's cause is taken
up by state.
Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a
requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against the
state school system and Pedro's English teacher.. English is then banned from core
curriculum. Pedro is given his diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a
living because he cannot speak English.

Scenario 7:

Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the Fourth of July, puts them in a
model airplane paint bottle and blows up a red ant bed.

1956 - Ants die.

2011 - ATF, Homeland Security and the FBI are all called. Johnny is charged with
domestic terrorism. The FBI investigates his parents -- and all siblings are
removed from their home and all computers are confiscated.
Johnny's dad is placed on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

Scenario 8:

Wally falls while running
during recess and scrapes his
knee. Nancy, his teacher, finds him on the playground crying. She hugs him to
comfort him.

1956 - In a short time, Wally feels better and goes on playing.

2011 - Nancy is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3
years in State Prison... Wally undergoes 5 years of therapy.

This should hit every email inbox to show how stupid we have become!!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Best government quote ever!

All government, in its essence, is a conspiracy against the superior man: its one permanent object is to oppress him and cripple him. If it be aristocratic in organization, then it seeks to protect the man who is superior only in law against the man who is superior in fact; if it be democratic, then it seeks to protect the man who is inferior in every way against both. 

One of its primary functions is to regiment men by force, to make them as much alike as possible and as dependent upon one another as possible, to search out and combat originality among them. All it can see in an original idea is potential change, and hence an invasion of its prerogatives. 

The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

From a US Marine...

How have we come to this??
Subject: The saddest, albeit possibly most accurate short message you will read...
Written by a USMC Vet
( I can't argue with any of it. Passing it along as it was received. )
He wrote:
The American Dream ended (on November 6th) in Ohio. The second term of Barack Obama will be the final nail in the coffin for the legacy of the white Christian males who discovered, explored, pioneered, settled and developed the greatest Republic in the history of mankind.
A coalition of Blacks, Latinos, Feminists, Gays, Government Workers, Union Members, Environmental Extremists, The Media, Hollywood, uninformed young people, the "forever needy," the chronically unemployed, illegal aliens and other "fellow travelers" have ended Norman Rockwell's America.
The Cocker Spaniel is off the front porch...the Pit Bull is in the back yard.
The American Constitution has been replaced with Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and Chicago shyster, David Axelrod, along with international Socialist George Soros will be pulling the strings on their beige puppet to bring us Act 2 of the New World Order.
Our side ran two candidates who couldn't even win their own home states, and the circus fatty Chris Christie helped Obama over the top with a glowing "post Sandy" tribute that elevated the "Commander-in-Chief" to Mother Teresa status.
People like me are completely politically irrelevant, and I will never again comment on or concern myself with the aforementioned coalition which has surrendered our culture, our heritage and our traditions without a shot being fired.
You will never again out vote these people. It will take individual acts of defiance and massive displays of civil disobedience to get back the rights we have allowed them to take away. It will take Zealots, not moderates--not reach-across-the-aisle RINOs to right this ship and restore our beloved country to its former status.
Those who come after us will have to risk their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor to bring back the Republic that this generation has timidly frittered away due to "white guilt" and political correctness.....
I'm done

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Plastic linked to obesity...

Plastics linked to Obesity (From Dr. Brownstein In The NEWS: Reading Between the LInes.

            Bisphenal A (BPA) is a chemical compound that is used to make polycarbonate resin, a component of may plastics including food and beverage containers. Scientists recently examined the association between BPA concentration and body mass outcome in children, and published their findings in the September 19, 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
            The study examined 2,838 obese American Children ages 6 to 19 who were randomly selected in the 2003-2008 National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey. They found that the children in the bottom 25 percent of BPA exposure were only half a likely to be obese as the other children.
            The article concluded that, “Urinary BPA concentration was significantly associated with obesity in …children and adolescents.”
            Presently, two-thirds of Americans are overweight and/or obese. The study showed a direct correlation with BPA exposure and obesity in children and adolescents. BPA is found in nearly all canned foods, and was found in plastic cups and baby bottles until the FDA recently banned those uses.
            BPA is actually stored in fat tissue, and has been shown to have hormonal (estrogenic) effects in the body. Studies show that it is associated with weight gain in rats.
            However, obesity is not the only problem linked to BPA. Animal studies have shown that BPA exposure increases the risk of cardiovascular dysfunction, diabetes, and neurological disorders.
            You can minimize your exposure to BPA by limiting your ingestion of canned foods.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Army stockpiling guillotines...


Why is the US government stockpiling guillotines?

Bit by bit, piece by piece, the US government is taking away all your rights and freedoms and property. How far are you willing to let them go until you stop them? Did you realize governments around the world control the local news? Even Hitler made up stories for the newspaper. It's time to make a decision for yourself.

Would you like to be strapped down face up or face down? Would you trust the people in charge to keep the blade sharp? I am sure you don't want two wacks. Maybe you can get a job manufacturing spare parts?

Are you going to wait until they load you in the cattle cars and take you to the gas chambers or clamp your head under the guillotine before you object?

Is the manufacture of these devices the government's idea of job creation?

The link below is where you can order spare parts for your guillotine.

NSN 1377-00-149-8407:

(NSN 1377001498407)

FSG (Federal Supply Group): 13 (Ammunition and Explosives)
FSC (Federal Supply Code): 1377 (Cartridge and Propellant Devices)
Date NSN Established: 1971272 (September 29, 1971)
Audio PMCS Link: N/A

Sign your Second Amendment Protection Directive

Dear fellow American,
Hours after re-election, Barack Obama made a move for gun control...
The very next day, his administration gleefully voted at the UN for a renewed effort to pass the "Small Arms Treaty."
Disguised as an “International Arms Control Treaty” to fight against “terrorism,” “insurgency” and “international crime syndicates,” the UN’s Small Arms Treaty is in fact a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.
What’s worse, the UN set March 18th-28th to meet to pass the final version of the treaty that will be sent to the Senate for ratification.
You and I will only have a few short months to prepare for this battle...
If passed by the UN and ratified by the U.S. Senate, the UN “Small Arms Treaty” would almost certainly FORCE the United States to:
*** Enact tougher licensing requirements, making law-abiding Americans cut through even more bureaucratic red tape just to own a firearm legally;
*** CONFISCATE and DESTROY ALL “unauthorized” civilian firearms (all firearms owned by the government are excluded, of course);
*** BAN the trade, sale and private ownership of ALL semi-automatic weapons;
*** Create an INTERNATIONAL gun registry, setting the stage for full-scale gun CONFISCATION.
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that this is NOT a fight we can afford to lose.
I’m helping lead the fight to defeat this radical treaty in the United States Senate and I want your help.
Please join me by taking a public stand AGAINST this outright assault on our national sovereignty by signing the Official Firearms Sovereignty Survey below!
For Freedom,

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

DHS purches more ammunition...


DHS purchases another 21.6 million roounds of ammunition...

On Feb 7, 2013 10:31 AM, "R B" <> wrote:
DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition
Federal agency has now acquired enough bullets to wage 30 year war

Paul Joseph Watson
February 7, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.
> A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.
> The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).
> The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).
> An approximation of how many rounds of ammunition the DHS has now secured over the last 10 months stands at around 1.625 billion. In March 2012, ATK announced that they had agree to provide the DHS with a maximum of 450 million bullets over four years, a story that prompted questions about why the feds were buying ammunition in such large quantities.
> To put that in perspective, during the height of active battle operations in Iraq, US soldiers used 5.5 million rounds of ammunition a month. Extrapolating the figures, the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years.
> Such massive quantities of ammo purchases have stoked fears that the agency is preparing for some kind of domestic unrest. In 2011, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano directed Immigration and Customs Enforcement to prepare for a mass influx of immigrants into the United States, calling for the plan to deal with the “shelter” and “processing” of large numbers of people.
> The federal agency’s primary concern is now centered around thwarting “homegrown terrorism,” but information produced and used by the DHS to train its personnel routinely equates conservative political ideology with domestic extremism.
> A study funded by the Department of Homeland Security that was leaked last year characterizes Americans who are “suspicious of centralized federal authority,” and “reverent of individual liberty” as “extreme right-wing” terrorists.
> In August 2012, the DHS censored information relating to the amount of bullets purchased by the federal agency on behalf of Immigration & Customs Enforcement, citing an “unusual and compelling urgency” to acquire the bullets, noting that there is a shortage of bullets which is threatening a situation that could cause “substantial safety issues for the government” should law enforcement officials not be adequately armed.
> As we highlighted last month, the DHS’ previous ammunition solicitation was awarded to Evian Group, an organization that was formed just five days before the announcement of the solicitation and appeared to be little more than a front organization since it didn’t have a genuine physical address, a website, or even a phone number.
> While Americans are being browbeaten with rhetoric about the necessity to give up semi-automatic firearms in the name of preventing school shootings, the federal government is arming itself to the teeth with both ammunition and guns. Last September, the DHS purchased no less than 7,000 fully automatic assault rifles, labeling them “Personal Defense Weapons.”
> *********************
> Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.


Apparently we have white and blue United Nations vechiles patrolling our boarders pulling people over and asking them questions. Our government has a 100-mile corrider where you have no Constitutional rights whatsoever. Since we have no rights it creates total anarchy. Does this act nullify all laws? What are the ramifications of this stupidity? Do we have human rights? If we are all equal then who has the power to command us?

Constitution Free Zone: The Numbers October 22, 2008
The numbers below are taken from the 2007 U.S. Census. States that are not listed, have zero population within the 100 mile zone.
Estimated 2007 Border Population
Estimated 2007 State Population
Percentage of Population in Constitution-Free Zone
District of Columbia
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia

Patriot Act Reauthorization:
On May 26, 2011, President Barack Obama used an Autopen to sign a four-year extension of three key provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act while he was in France.
Why didn’t he sign the reauthorization in the US? Why was it kept secret?
Do the Constitutional Free zones exist until May 26, 2015?

Below are the remarks of Craig Johnson on October 22, 2008, at the ACLU's press conference on the U.S. "Constitution-free Zone."
Good morning. I am Craig Johnson. I’m an associate professor of music at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, CA. First, I want to thank you for allowing me to share my story with you. Point Loma, I’m proud to say, encourages its faculty and students to involve themselves in social justice and reconciliation issues. And it was through my involvement in one such event that my story begins.
On June 1 of this year I was privileged to participate, along with my two oldest children, in a vigil sponsored by the San Diego Foundation for Change and supported by members of the Point Loma campus community at the Border Field State Park on the U. S. border with Mexico. My involvement in this event was to demonstrate my opposition to the Federal government’s proposed construction of a dual layer border fence through this park and the nationally protected estuary and research center that are part of the grounds. One activity during the vigil was to have been what is known in some faith traditions as a “love feast” – it was to have been the sharing of food through the fence to demonstrate solidarity and hospitality between citizens of both countries. That day, however, there was a much stronger presence of Border Patrol agents, a dozen or more, than is typical at events of this nature. They informed us that if any food was passed through the fence, we would be arrested on violations of customs regulations. We took them at their word and the love feast became a love lament, with only the US citizens eating while our Mexican neighbors looked on. Incidentally, an article appeared in yesterday’s New York Times about this park and the Border Patrol agents, and it seems that they have softened their position on this considerably.
While there was a strong presence of agents at the park itself, other officers were recording license plates of all the vehicles in the parking lot, which unfortunately was a mile and a half away. In fact, one student’s car was even towed for expired registration during the event.
Six days later, on June 7, I went to Tijuana, Mexico to sing a benefit recital. On my re-entry into the U.S., I submitted my current passport to the Customs agent and was then told to freeze with both of my hands on the desk in front of me. After being asked if I had any weapons on me, I was handcuffed by Customs agents and told that I was listed as “armed and dangerous.” At that point I was escorted in front of literally hundreds of onlookers waiting to enter the U. S. and taken to a holding room where my suit coat, tie, outer shirt, belt, and shoes were removed, my pockets emptied and the contents confiscated and I was aggressively searched. This was not your typical airport security pat-down. Every inch and crack of my body was thoroughly pressed and probed. I was in complete bewilderment. I felt violated and frankly, I was embarrassed. I could not believe what was happening.
After this I was questioned about my reasons for being in Mexico, my length of stay there, and where specifically I would be returning to the U. S. After about 45 minutes I was released to collect my belongings and rejoin my friends with whom I had been in line.
I normally travel to Mexico for any reason that presents itself – escorting visitors from out of town or just going down for the sights and sounds of the country. I even worked regularly there in 2006 with Tijuana Opera and would cross the border several times per week. Never before my June 7 experience had I encountered the slightest problem.
It took me four months to muster the courage to try crossing again. I had hoped that this was a mistake and that I would be removed from “armed and dangerous” status. On October 5, I decided to go to Mexico to try re-entering in order put my mind to rest. I was hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst, and once again I was subjected to the same treatment – arrest, searching, questioning, and detainment.
I do not own firearms. I do not have a criminal record. Yet when I think of the treatment that my own government shows to me, I am alarmed. It’s frightening enough knowing that my personal and private data are being accessed with unknown consequences, but when I know what some of those consequences are, I am even more disturbed.
It took me four months to return to Mexico after June 1, not because I’m afraid of travelling outside of my own country, but rather because I’m afraid of returning home. This should not be.
Is this Nazi Germany?
Since 9/11, fear mongering has led to the belief that if one has nothing to hide, one should be happy to submit to unwarranted searches, have their phones tapped, have their emails read....just slap an Orwellian name like Patriot Act on it and it becomes law.... and that is perfectly okay if the government holds people for years without a formal charge, without being able to consult an attorney or see their the name of being "secure"...this is a false sense of security that I don’t share....It’s a big deal when someone is violated like this.
Freedom isn't something I'm willing to compromise on. Is, "Land of the Free" just empty words we speak, never considering what it even means?

About the Author Todd Miller
Todd Miller currently writes on border and immigration issues for NACLA Report on the Americas. He has researched...
The first time he experiences this newly hardened US-Canada border, it takes him by surprise. It’s a freezing late December day and Matthews, a lawyer (who asked me to change his name), is on the passenger side of a car as he and three friends cross the Blue Water Bridge from Sarnia, Ontario, to the old industrial town of Port Huron, Michigan. They are returning from the Reviving the Islamic Spirit conference in Toronto, chatting and happy to be almost home when the car pulls up to the booth, where a blue-uniformed US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agent stands. The 60,000-strong CBP is the border enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security and includes both customs and US Border Patrol agents. What is about to happen is the furthest thing from Matthews’s mind. He’s from Port Huron and has crossed this border “a million times before.
Todd Miller: After scanning their passports and looking at a computer screen in the booth, the agent says to the driver, as Matthews tells the story:
“Sir,  turn off the vehicle, hand me the key and step out of the car.”
He hears the snap of handcuffs going around his friend’s wrists. Disoriented, he turns around and sees uniformed men kneeling behind their car, firearms drawn.
“To my disbelief, situated behind us are agents, pointing their guns.”
The CBP officer asks Matthews and the remaining passengers to get out of the car and escorts them to a waiting room. Thirty minutes later, he, too, is handcuffed and in a cell. Forty-five minutes after that another homeland security agent brings him into a room with no chairs. The agent tells him that he can sit down, but all he sees is a countertop. “Can I just stand?” he asks.
And he does so for what seems like an eternity with the door wide open, attempting to smile at the agents who pass by. “I’m trying to be nice,” is how he put it.
Finally, in a third room, the interrogation begins. Although they question Matthews about his religious beliefs and various Islamic issues, the two agents are “nice.” They ask him: Where’d you go? What kind of law do you practice? He tells them that a former law professor was presenting a paper at the annual conference, whose purpose is to revive “Islamic traditions of education, tolerance and introspection.” They ask if he’s received military training abroad. This, he tells me, “stood out as one of their more bizarre questions.” When the CBP lets him and his friends go, he still thinks it was a mistake.
However, Lena Masri of the Council of American Islamic Relations-Michigan (CAIR-MI) reports that Matthews’s experience is becoming “chillingly” commonplace for Michigan’s Arab and Muslim community at border crossings. In 2012, CAIR-MI was receiving five to seven complaints about similar stops per week. The detainees are all Arab, all male, all questioned at length. They are asked about religion, if they spend time at the mosque and who their Imam is.

According to CAIR-MI accounts, CBP agents repeatedly handcuff these border-crossers, often brandish weapons, conduct invasive, often sexually humiliating body searches and detain people for from two to twelve hours. Because of this, some of the detainees have lost job opportunities or jobs, or given up on educational opportunities in Canada. Many are now afraid to cross the border to see their families who live in Canada. (CAIR-MI has filed alawsuit against the CBP and other governmental agencies.)
Months later, thinking there is no way this can happen again, Matthews travels to Canada and crosses the border, this time alone, on the Blue Water Bridge to Port Huron. Matthews still hadn’t grasped the seismic changes in Washington’s attitude toward our northern border since 9/11. Port Huron, his small hometown, where a protest group, Students for a Democratic Society, first famously declared themselves against racism and alienation in 1962, is now part of the “frontline” in defense of the “homeland.” As a result, Matthews finds himself a casualty of a new war, one that its architects and proponents see as a permanent bulwark against not only non-citizens generally but also people like Matthews from “undesirable” ethno-religious groups or communities in the United States.
While a militarized enforcement regime has long existed in the US-Mexico borderlands, its far more intense post-9/11 version is also proving geographically expansive. Now, the entire US perimeter has become part of a Fortress USA mentality and a lockdown reality. Unlike on our southern border, there is still no wall to our north on what was once dubbed the “longest undefended border in the world.” But don’t let that fool you. The US-Canadian border is increasingly a national security hotspot watched over by drones, surveillance towers and agents of the Department of Homeland Security

In a video shown to reporters at a national press conference event Wednesday, retired San Diego social worker Vince Peppard complained that he and his wife were stopped at a checkpoint on a road east of San Diego on I-94, many miles after crossing back into the United States with tiles he'd bought in Mexico.
When he refused to let the Customs and Border Protection officer search his car, the officer led him to a bench, called in the contraband dog and then "ransacked" his car.
"I didn't feel like I was inside the U.S.," Peppard said, calling the search on the side of the road embarrassing. "I felt like I was in a B-movie with Nazis asking for my papers."
ACLU attorney Chris Calabrese is certain there are more people who have been negatively affected than have complained.
As an example, he cited Seattle's domestic ferries, where DHS agents ask passengers for ID to check their citizenship and use license plate readers.

"The people who live on these islands are undergoing this extra scrutiny just when they are going to get their groceries," Calabrese said.

Customs and Border Protection Cilberti's says he did not specifically look into Peppard's case, but said that refusing a search does not create probable cause for a search and that if a CBP agent searched his car, it's because their experience and training made them believe they had probable cause.

The ACLU hopes that Congress will include changes to the border zone in traveler privacy protection bills that focus on prohibiting suspicion-less searches and seizures of laptops at the border. Congress is currently out of session and would not move on any legislation until sometime in 2009 at the earliest.
You're driving along a remote, dusty road, when suddenly you come upon a border patrol checkpoint. There, agents demand to see your identity papers, and search your car. You are taken by surprise, because you know you haven?t wandered across the Texas-Mexico border. In fact, you?re quite sure of that, because you?re driving through rural Wisconsin countryside west of Green Bay. Even the Canadian border is more than 90 miles away.
This scene is not as far-fetched as you might want to believe. The government is turning vast swaths of our country into a "Constitution-Free Zone" in which U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is allowed to exercise extraordinary authority that would not normally be permitted under the Constitution. The government says that "the border"- where there is a longstanding view that the Constitution does not fully apply- actually stretches 100 miles inland from the nation's "external boundary." And increasingly, we are seeing DHS vigorously utilize that authority.
Today we held a press conference at the National Press Club here in D.C. to try to draw attention to this problem ? and the fact that, as we showed, nearly two-thirds of the U.S. population live within this "Constitution-Free Zone." That?s 197.4 million people.
We calculated this using the most recent, 2007 numbers from the U.S. Census, and released a map showing the cities and states that are enveloped by this zone. It includes some of the largest metropolitan areas in the country: New York City, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles and Portland, Oregon. States that are completely within this Constitution-Free Zone include Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Rhode Island. When you say "border," they think "all of New England."
CBP has been setting up checkpoints far inland - on highways in states such as California, Texas and Arizona, and at ferry terminals in Washington State. Typically, the agents ask drivers and passengers about their citizenship. People are also reporting that even after they provide passports or state driver's licenses, CBP continues to interrogate them and try to pressure them into permitting a search.

  • EPIC Obtains New Details on PATRIOT Act: As the result of a Freedom of Information Act request, EPIC has obtained more than 650 pages of documents related to the PATRIOT Act. EPIC had requested information related to the FBI's abuse of PATRIOT Act authorities and documents concerning the 2009 sunset of the PATRIOT Act. The documents disclosed by the FBI include training presentations, answers to questions from Senators Leahy and Specter, and a list of reporting requirements. In an answer to Senator Leahy, the FBI stated that while it would discontinue the use of exigent letters, which the Inspector General had previously noted as a frequent source of abuse, the agency planned to continue its use of the emergency disclosures provision of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. For more information, see EPIC: USA PATRIOT Act. (Apr. 4, 2012)
  • Senator Leahy Pursues Bipartisan PATRIOT Act Reform: As Congress consider renewal of the PATRIOT Act, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has proposed adoption of an amendment that will establish new privacy and civil liberties safeguards. The Amendment, cosponsored with Senator Rand Paul [R-KY], would sunset National Security Letter authority authority, mandate public reporting requirements, and create other protections. A similar amendment was endorsed by a majority of the Senate Judiciary Committee earlier this year. EPIC has obtained over 1,500 pages of government documents obtained through a related Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice concerning PATRIOT Act abuses. For more information, see EPIC: USA PATRIOT Act. (May. 24, 2011)
Congress> Common Law court puts down 'Constitution Free Zone'
Patricia Johnson-Holm ruprose2002a at
Sat Jun 12 16:52:24 CDT 2010

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Extra Extra Read all about it:

Common Law Court puts down the 100 Mile Constitution Free Zone in the 3rd Circuit Common Law Court on King County Washington.

"1. All Constitution Free Zones and any Legislation such as the Patriot Act, FEMA Regulations, Executive Orders if not allowed by the US Constitution or the Washington constitution 1878 are null and void."

"2. Sheriffs, Police, De facto governmental authorities, et al. are, to understand that they too are answerable to the US Constitution and there are NO CONSTITUTION FREE ZONES. Any Obstruction of the Constitutional Rights as per the US Constitution 1791, can and will be brought forward in a Common Law court. All orders given or taken must adhere to the Constitution or they are null and void."

"3. De facto Courts decisions, that are not Lawful as per the US Constitution 1791 (which includes the Bill of Rights) and the Washington Constitution 1878, are null and void."

"4. Make provisions that the Common Law courts will be held in the proper esteem befitting their long standing position, held in Judicial history. Each plaintiff or defendant will have the right to choose the De facto courts or the common law courts."

Now how about the rest of you doing the same?

Why not simply get 10 persons signatures or more in your area to confirm the findings of the Western Judicial 3rd Circuit Common Law Court. Sign your names and email address then send them to me at scantv77 at

Stand behind your oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. When you do so we will email you a list of how to proceed with your own common law courts if you request it.

Looking forward to hearing from you.