Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Is the government using electromagnetic radiation to kill us?

Twenty-five years ago you could turn the FM dial on your radio and there would be only two or three stations. Now there are hundreds all emitting 5000 to 100,000 watts into the ether. The AM broadcast stations have also multiplied in number. All these stations have to be licensed by the Federal Communication Commission. I make a small flat coil of wire and hooked it up to the audio input of my 200 watt amplifier. I turned up the volume and discovered that I could listen to several FM stations at once. 

Most of have WIFI in our homes and the surrounding neighborhood has ten to fifteen more all broadcasting in the 900 hertz range. You wireless phone with a range of 100 years is particularly detrimental to brain cells. You can't escape the stuff because it is all around us.

Most of our children are running around with a cell phone glued to their heads. We have no idea what kind of genetic damage this is causing. Will it dumb down our kids?

Add to that the proliferation of hundreds of cell phone towers to accommodate the higher frequencies. (The government FCC switched from the analog frequency to free it up for human implants. Motorola had three billion chips ready to implant in humans. Are you ready to take the chip so that the government can keep track of all your movements?

Then you have the HAARP or high altitude aurora research project and others like it around the world including Australia. These massive transmitter are capable of dumping gigawatts of low frequency radio waves into the upper atmosphere to heat portions of it causing it to rise to cause hurricanes and cooling in certain areas. 

“There have been many instances of harmful effects of electromagnetic fields from such seemingly innocuous devices as mobile phones, computers, power lines and domestic wiring. They include an increased risk of cancer, loss of fertility & unpleasant physiological symptoms.....”   This is the first sentence from Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy’s 2007 paper titled: What the power & telecom companies would prefer us not to know.1

Common Symptoms of over exposure:  
Mental Impairment / Coherency problems      
Joint pain    
Burning, Reddening, Rash, Itch        
• Low hormone levels (melatonin, DHEA etc.)               
Infertility problems   
Heart palpitations

Electrical waves pass straight through our bodies and an electric current is generated within. This is how an aerial works – waves come in and electricity is generated. The electricity generated in our bodies, like all electric currents, goes to ground (if able) and, like all electric currents, takes the path of least resistance. Unfortunately, the path of least resistance is through our bodies. To travel through our bodies the waves use the 10% of our pathways that carry 90% of our traffic, rather like freeways in peak hour.  This 90% of our traffic consists of:
 • Hormones which help regulate the functions of the body
 • Antibodies which help fight disease
 • Neurotransmitters which carry messages around the body
Thus 90% of our bodily functions can be severely affected by these harmful electrical waves.

The effect of these microwaves can be explained using the analogy of putting a frog in water. If you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out. However, if you put a frog in cold water and gradually heat the water, you can cook the frog because the frog's body will adjust to the slight changes in temperature and it will not notice it is being cooked2. Using wireless broadband, Bluetooth, cordless phones, mobile phones & blackberry devices all use the microwave spectrum of radiation energy to work. This means that when we use them they are slowly cooking us as they heat up our cells without us being able to sense it until the symptoms start to appear.

In 1971 the US Government stated “Unless adequate monitoring and control based on fundamental understanding of biological effects are instituted in the near future, in the decades ahead, man may enter an era of energy pollution of the environment comparable to the chemical pollution of today.”2
The electromagnetic hazard was identified in 1971 – to what extent are you exposed today?

As we cannot see, touch, smell, taste or hear this radiation the only way to measure the levels are with a number of specific instruments designed for various types of radiation.

3 Electromagnetic Radiation Reduction Tips:

  1. Remove any plugged in devices in and around sleeping areas; including electric blankets, waterbeds, extension cords and clock radios.

  1. Check where your meter box is and don’t sit or sleep near here.

  1. Do not have wireless emitting devices in the home. Yes, this means wireless internet too! These bring in and emit microwaves radiation which can pass through brick walls, so there is no escape for the body. If you must have them, turn them off when not in use.

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